What a world to live...

Here I will tell you about almost everything exist in this world. I know maybe my english is not good, but at least you will understand most of what I said. Please give me recommendations, ideas, comments, critics, everything to make my blog better. Thank you for visiting and your time. Peace... Before I forgot, help me by spreading this site to others. Spread it fast like virus...

Friday, October 28, 2005

What a disaster...

Last week I just noticed that my driving licence already months expired. And that's also thanks to a job interview at some company. They asked for my driving licence and stuff. So I planned to renew my driving licence. But thanks to my brain, I forgot until a few days ago I was showing off my picture in that driving licence (I look like a deadbeat).

The next day I called up someone who can help me to do this thing. He knows a few cops and insiders. I got to pay him a little more expensive. But it's good though. Because through him I don't have to queue up, take tests, line up again, and all those paper works.

So yesterday he picked me up at around 9am. We went to the po-po hole. And it's exactly like I said earlier. I just directly went to the picture taking station, put my signature, and scan my fingerprint. That's all. After that I only need to wait till they call my name and give me the new driving licence.

Not long after, one of the officer called me and hand me the new driving licence. And that's where the disaster appear and will stay for the next five years. My picture now even worse. I look like a junkie that just woke up from a week of wasting life.

So my suggestion to you guys, when you're going to take a picture for a document, make sure you put some smiley face, happy face, or if you want get some weird face as you please. Don't end up having a picture that you don't like.



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