I manage to find information about some websites which were hacked before. I can't find some hackers id from those hacked websites. But what they did to the websites are stated down here. Have fun reading on these hackers' piece of arts.
hacked by
The Kevin Mitnick Liberation Front
3/17/96 ---> Sweden's biggest telecommunication and Internet company was hacked for the second time in the same day after insuring on national radio that they had dealt with their lack of security!!
Department of Justice
hacked by
8/18/96 ---> Hacked as a protest against the propositions to censor the Internet and make it illegal to transfer pornografy on the net.
hacked by
Power Through Resistance
9/20/96 ---> This site made the CNN news! Bo Skarinder, Swedish prosecutor, prosecuted earlier that week five people for hacking.
hacked by
The Ghost Shirt Factory
11/12/96 ---> A company that sells furs got hacked by an animal-rights activist.
hacked by
01001000 00110111
11/27/96 --->Nethosting got their hompage and all of their 1500!!! clients hompages hacked in one day. VERY impressive!
hacked by
12/12/96 ---> The British Labour Party got, yeah, you guessed right:HACKED!
hacked by
12/23/96 ---> This hack has both frames and Java Script, which probably is the first time a hacked site has had this.
hacked by
12/30/96 ---> Hacked again one week later. No wonder Challenger exploded...
U.S. Air force
hacked by
12/30/96 ---> Welcome to the Truth!
Legal Employment Network
hacked by
1/8/97 ---> Was up for almost a week.
Republic of Indonesia
hacked by
2/11/97 --->The web site of Indonesia's Department of Foreign Affairs got hacked. This was done to protest against Indonesia's occupation of East Timor.
hacked by
3/5/97 ---> "Former Sysop at NASA, now looking for a permanent position as a sanitation engineer"
hacked by
3/19/97 ---> Finally! The fat pig Sanford Wallace's Cyberpromotions get hacked. This is the guy who fills up your mailbox with junk and makes money from it.
Amnesty International
hacked by
4 man dream team
4/26/97 ---> Amnesty got hacked, I don't know why...
hacked by
Circle of Deception
4/27/97 ---> The British Conservative Party got hacked, now they have at least one thing in common with Labour...
The Lost World: Jurassic Park
hacked by
5/27/97 ---> The lost world homepage was hacked 4 days after the movie opened. It was up for 12 hours!!
hacked by
5/29/97 ---> Well, this is probably a hoax but I like the material, that's why it's here. Contact me if you have info on this one.
hacked by
6/25/97 ---> Geocities frontpage got hacked. Wasn't up for very long.
hacked by
7/15/97 ---> The Canadian Security Intelligence Service got H*A*C*K*E*D!
Crack a Mac
hacked by
8/18/97 ---> The contest to crack the MacOS continues but the frontpage at hacke.infinit.se got hacked. $13000 to the hacker.
hacked by
10/4/97 ---> The US Army Artificial Intelligence Center at URL http://www.pentagon-ai.army.mil is hacked.
hacked by
10/11/97 ---> This is excellent, more like this! Screw with these losers as often as you can.
Spice Girls
hacked by
Team CodeZero
11/14/97 ---> This is the "spiceworld"-page from Spice Girls' official homepage. This hack will not be up that long since who will remember who they were 2 months from now?
China Agricultural University
hacked by
11/26/97 ---> The Chinese agricultural universty located at http://www.cau.edu.cn was hacked. A political hack against China's occupation of Tibet, and against testing nuclear weapons. Good Job!
hacked by
12/8/97 ---> The hack of the year. The almighty Yahoo Search-engine gets hacked. It was only up for 15 minutes and could only be seen with certain browsers. See what people had to say on the CNN msg board, pretty funny actually.
hacked by
12/11/97 ---> FOX TV-network got hacked. (They are the ones showing the X-files in the US.) It was up for several hours.
China Agricultural University
hacked by
W1n{}Dose & 1-s-d
12/31/97 ---> The same Chinese server as before was hacked once again. Why is USA trading with China and not with Cuba? Get those people out of Tibet! Anyway, Nice Hack!
Janet Jackson
hacked by
Team CodeZero
1/2/98 ---> Janet Jackson's official homepage at www.janet-jackson.com looks different...
Rolling Stones
hacked by
Team CodeZero
1/2/98 ---> Sharing server with Janet huh?! Wonder if they have the same producer and songwriter too? They should have quit -75 when they still rocked!
hacked by
1/2/98 ---> The german car-maker at bmw.com.
hacked by
1/7/98 ---> The United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) was hacked. Free Kevin Mitnick or else...
hacked by
LithiumError/ChiKo Torremendez
1/18/98 ---> About 15 Indonesian domains were hacked at the same time. This is a part of an anti-Suharto (ex President) Campaign. This page was up on the Indonesian National Police (military) HQ. The rest of the domains that were hacked are listed in the hacked page. Read the texts! Excellent Job!!
Intl. Church of Christ
hacked by
1/18/98 ---> "Eternal life in exchange for all your money, yeah, sure we promise!"
hacked by
No|d Crew
1/21/98 ---> Nice statement! Couldn't agree more.
hacked by
2/19/98 ---> Saatchi&Saatchi gives out an award for communication innovations. This hack is the first I know of that is done with shockwave.
One Live Crew
hacked by
2/22/98 ---> Some parents who got fed up with the music their kids are listening to?
A Turkish University
hacked by
Gr Power
3/5/98 ---> A turkish university hacked in protest of the Turkish presence on Cyprus. More info to come on this one.
hacked by
3/6/98 ---> For you who didn't know, NAMBLA stands for "North American Man/Boy Love Association".
US Army
hacked by
No|d Crew
3/8/98 ---> Three different United States Army servers were hacked. http://bliss.www.army.mil, http://www.essd.army.mil and http://www.7sigbde.army.mil. Speaks for itself...
US Navy
hacked by
No|d Crew
3/9/98 ---> The Naval Space Command at http://www.navspace.navy.mil/ was hacked. If you have heard about the so called "Pentagon hackers", you should really read this and learn a thing or two about media.
Korean Heritage College
hacked by
RaPtoR 666
4/14/98 ---> The Korean Heritage College of North America was hacked! The link on the page won't take you very far...
hacked by
8/21/98 ---> Motorola was hacked twice the same day. One was at the semiconductor division at http://sps.motorola.com/ and the other the frontpage of Motorola's Japanese domain: http://www.mot.co.jp Both hacks more or less looked the same.
Arsenal F.C.
hacked by
Cumbrian Hackers Alliance
8/30/98 ---> Arsenal Football Club's official homepage was hacked in protest of Carlisle United's manager Michael Knighton (aliens huh?!). Was hacked twice in 24 hrs.
New York Times
hacked by
9/12/98 ---> Some really nice hacks coming from this group. Thumbs up! New York Times...well I'll leave it with that.
id Software
hacked by
9/24/98 ---> id Software's domain quake3.com was hacked. The page was changed several times, but was not up for very long. Alteration is at the bottom of the page. Thanx Kolby!
hacked by
11/7/98 ---> SCO (Santa Cruz Corporation) had several servers hacked in different countries. SCO's Mexican site at http://www.sco.com.mx and SCO's South African site at http://www.sco.co.za/ are two of them. SCO sells server sollutions... Good for them.
Jack Daniels
hacked by
12/14/98 ---> Jack Daniels... Password: heavymetal1980 ?
Calgary Publ. Library
hacked by
the leprechaun
1/25/99 ---> Kind of odd target for an Irish freedom fighter, but there's nothing wrong with the spirit! Thx Grampa-E!
hacked by
1/27/99 ---> Personally I feel that Greenpeace do a pretty damn good job. Doesn't Greenpeace have pretty much the same message as the hack?
Front National
hacked by
RaPtoR 666
1/28/99 ---> The French faschist party "Front National" has been hacked. Extremely well done!!
The original hack is in French. An English translation can be found here. Thanx for the translation GrandMeister!
200 Cigarettes
hacked by
2/20/99 ---> Some Hollywood movie at http://www.200cigarettes.com
Dominos Pizza
hacked by
2/28/99 ---> Dominos pizza was hacked with four toppings and extra cheese.
hacked by
Magic FX
3/5/99 ---> MonicaLewinsky.com was appropriately hacked right after she (that woman, Ms. Lewinsky) had told an entire nation that the President's wife couldn't do it for him.
hacked by
3/5/99 ---> More Monica Lewinsky related material
Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs
hacked by
Kalamata Hacking
3/23/99 ---> Hack in support of PKK (Kurdish) leader Öcalan (freedomfighter/terrorist?) who Greek authorities turned over to the Turkish. The Turkish government is seeking to sentence him to death. Sure showed who came out as the stronger government in the battle between Greece and Turkey... Bad move by the Greek government, concidering the somewhat non-existing Turkish human rights standards.
Hot Bot
hacked by
3/25/99 --> HotBot, one of the "big 5" searchengines, was hacked. Things that make you go hmmm...
Playboy, Sprint, Yellowpages.ca, Sony Music
hacked by
4/4/99 ---> Multiple famous domains were hacked and replaced with this site. In addition to the ones listed to the left were: www.barbra-streisand.com, www.oreilly.com, www.umd.edu, www.hornyrob.com, sun.ca and several others.