What a world to live...

Here I will tell you about almost everything exist in this world. I know maybe my english is not good, but at least you will understand most of what I said. Please give me recommendations, ideas, comments, critics, everything to make my blog better. Thank you for visiting and your time. Peace... Before I forgot, help me by spreading this site to others. Spread it fast like virus...

Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Alcohol addiction is a very serious and sometimes life threatening dilemma. Not only is it difficult for the addict, it is extremely hard on those around them who care about them. For the addict, admitting they have an addiction problem can be difficult. However painful this may be, it must be acknowledged as the first gradient to overcoming the problem. The next hurdle is being willing to seek & accept help from an addiction professional. It can be hard for an addict to confront the fact that they can not do it alone. Once this fact is accepted, it is time to seek the appropriate professional treatment. Drug rehab programs based on the social education modality are highly successful. This means that individuals who are recovering from Alcohol addiction are not made wrong for their past indiscretions, but are taught how to avoid future ones. They are provided with knowledge on how to change their lives and how to live comfortably without Alcohol. Receiving treatment for addiction should be done in a safe & stable environment that is conducive to addiction recovery. Research studies show that residential treatment programs of at least 3 months in duration have the best success rates. 3 months may seem like a long time, but one day in the life of an individual addicted to Alcohol can feel like an eternity. Addiction is a self imposed hellish slavery. The chains can be broken people do it everyday. You can be free!

Drug rehabilitation is a multi-phase, multi-faceted, long term process. Detoxification is only the first step on the road of addiction treatment. Physical detoxification alone is not sufficient to change the patterns of a drug addict. Recovery from addiction involves an extended process which usually requires the help of drug addiction professionals. To make a successful recovery, the addict needs new tools in order to deal with situations and problems which arise. Factors such as encountering someone from their days of using, returning to the same environment and places, or even small things such as smells and objects trigger memories which can create psychological stress. This can hinder the addict's goal of complete recovery, thus not allowing the addict to permanently regain control of his or her life.

Almost all addicts tell themselves in the beginning that they can conquer their addiction on their own without the help of outside resources. Unfortunately, this is not usually the case. When an addict makes an attempt at detoxification and to discontinue drug use without the aid of professional help, statistically the results do not last long. Research into the effects of long-term addiction has shown that substantial changes in the way the brain functions are present long after the addict has stopped using drugs. Realizing that a drug addict who wishes to recover from their addiction needs more than just strong will power is the key to a successful recovery. Battling not only cravings for their drug of choice, re-stimulation of their past and changes in the way their brain functions, it is no wonder that quitting drugs without professional help is an uphill battle.

As an organization we are dedicated to finding the correct solution for your specific addiction problem. Our referral list contains over 3,000 resources which encompass the following treatment categories :
# Alcohol Detox Center
# Alcohol Rehab
# Alcohol Treatment
# Alcohol Addiction Treatment
# Alcohol Addiction Counseling
# Meetings
# Alcohol In-Patient Treatment
# Alcohol Out-Patient Treatment

Monday, July 26, 2004

How do you kiss...

Scientists found out why a couple kisses with eyes shut

Why do people close their eyes when they kiss? One scientist from Singapore who had been determined to answer the question, finally proposed his hypothesis on such account on Saturday. Apparently, people behave the way they do due to three reasons.

First of all, people shut their eyelids when kissing in order to avoid getting overwhelmed emotionally. Secondly, they do so in order to avoid seeing amorphous facial features of their partner up close.

"The answer depends how one approaches this issue," says professor Min from the National institute of education, reports Straits Times. "The entire process of kissing triggers sensory overload," notes he. "Shutting our eyes, helps us reduce the emotional load."

There is also another viewpoint in regards to the issue. In the course of a kiss, you get to see blur, non 3D facial features; this can be quite repulsive," says the professor. That is why we instinctively prefer to have our eyes shut while kissing, reports MIGnews.com.

The third reason, which isn't characteristic of everyone, is modesty. "Some assume that people tend to close their eyes while kissing to put their partner at ease, so that he/she will not feel uncomfortable."

Friday, July 23, 2004

For those who can't drink a lot...

People have been searching for the perfect hangover cure for as long as they have been drinking too much. When your head's pounding and you've got the cold sweats, these all worth considering…

method one - hair of the dog
Many of the best hangover cures rely on more alcohol to remove the misery. Depending on how bad you feel, you may or may not be up to more booze anyway, but if you are, the best two to try are:

banana cow
Bananas are an important source of potassium, which your body needs in moments like this.


1 crushed ripe banana
2 level tablespoons powdered sugar
3 measures whole milk
1 measure rum plenty of crushed ice

Pour into a large glass, stir frantically and drink.

bloody mary
Many people attribute strange and mystical curative powers to this simple drink:


4 measures tomato juice
1½ measures vodka
¼ measure lemon juice
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
a drop of Tabasco
Celery salt, pepper, paprika to taste

Sip slowly. Serve with celery, which you should consider breakfast:

if your stomach can't handle more alcohol, try a virgin fogcutter

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 drop Tabasco
1 raw egg teaspoon
lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste

Pour into a whisky glass, down in one, then repeat until you feel better or die, whichever is the sooner.

Hacked websites...

I manage to find information about some websites which were hacked before. I can't find some hackers id from those hacked websites. But what they did to the websites are stated down here. Have fun reading on these hackers' piece of arts.

hacked by The Kevin Mitnick Liberation Front
3/17/96 ---> Sweden's biggest telecommunication and Internet company was hacked for the second time in the same day after insuring on national radio that they had dealt with their lack of security!!

Department of Justice
hacked by ???
8/18/96 ---> Hacked as a protest against the propositions to censor the Internet and make it illegal to transfer pornografy on the net.

hacked by Power Through Resistance
9/20/96 ---> This site made the CNN news! Bo Skarinder, Swedish prosecutor, prosecuted earlier that week five people for hacking.

hacked by The Ghost Shirt Factory
11/12/96 ---> A company that sells furs got hacked by an animal-rights activist.

hacked by 01001000 00110111
11/27/96 --->Nethosting got their hompage and all of their 1500!!! clients hompages hacked in one day. VERY impressive!

hacked by ???
12/12/96 ---> The British Labour Party got, yeah, you guessed right:HACKED!

hacked by \\StOrM\
12/23/96 ---> This hack has both frames and Java Script, which probably is the first time a hacked site has had this.

hacked by \\StOrM\
12/30/96 ---> Hacked again one week later. No wonder Challenger exploded...

U.S. Air force
hacked by ???
12/30/96 ---> Welcome to the Truth!

Legal Employment Network
hacked by ???
1/8/97 ---> Was up for almost a week.

Republic of Indonesia
hacked by TOXYN
2/11/97 --->The web site of Indonesia's Department of Foreign Affairs got hacked. This was done to protest against Indonesia's occupation of East Timor.

hacked by H4G1S
3/5/97 ---> "Former Sysop at NASA, now looking for a permanent position as a sanitation engineer"

hacked by ???
3/19/97 ---> Finally! The fat pig Sanford Wallace's Cyberpromotions get hacked. This is the guy who fills up your mailbox with junk and makes money from it.

Amnesty International
hacked by 4 man dream team
4/26/97 ---> Amnesty got hacked, I don't know why...

hacked by Circle of Deception
4/27/97 ---> The British Conservative Party got hacked, now they have at least one thing in common with Labour...

The Lost World: Jurassic Park
hacked by hackers(?)
5/27/97 ---> The lost world homepage was hacked 4 days after the movie opened. It was up for 12 hours!!

hacked by P.A.R.A.
5/29/97 ---> Well, this is probably a hoax but I like the material, that's why it's here. Contact me if you have info on this one.

hacked by fr0lic
6/25/97 ---> Geocities frontpage got hacked. Wasn't up for very long.

hacked by ???
7/15/97 ---> The Canadian Security Intelligence Service got H*A*C*K*E*D!

Crack a Mac
hacked by Starfire
8/18/97 ---> The contest to crack the MacOS continues but the frontpage at hacke.infinit.se got hacked. $13000 to the hacker.

hacked by Chameleon
10/4/97 ---> The US Army Artificial Intelligence Center at URL http://www.pentagon-ai.army.mil is hacked.

hacked by L.O.U.
10/11/97 ---> This is excellent, more like this! Screw with these losers as often as you can.

Spice Girls
hacked by Team CodeZero
11/14/97 ---> This is the "spiceworld"-page from Spice Girls' official homepage. This hack will not be up that long since who will remember who they were 2 months from now?

China Agricultural University
hacked by LSD
11/26/97 ---> The Chinese agricultural universty located at http://www.cau.edu.cn was hacked. A political hack against China's occupation of Tibet, and against testing nuclear weapons. Good Job!

hacked by PANTZ/H4GiS
12/8/97 ---> The hack of the year. The almighty Yahoo Search-engine gets hacked. It was only up for 15 minutes and could only be seen with certain browsers. See what people had to say on the CNN msg board, pretty funny actually.

hacked by ???
12/11/97 ---> FOX TV-network got hacked. (They are the ones showing the X-files in the US.) It was up for several hours.

China Agricultural University
hacked by W1n{}Dose & 1-s-d
12/31/97 ---> The same Chinese server as before was hacked once again. Why is USA trading with China and not with Cuba? Get those people out of Tibet! Anyway, Nice Hack!

Janet Jackson
hacked by Team CodeZero
1/2/98 ---> Janet Jackson's official homepage at www.janet-jackson.com looks different...

Rolling Stones
hacked by Team CodeZero
1/2/98 ---> Sharing server with Janet huh?! Wonder if they have the same producer and songwriter too? They should have quit -75 when they still rocked!

hacked by ???
1/2/98 ---> The german car-maker at bmw.com.

hacked by D.A.M.M.
1/7/98 ---> The United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) was hacked. Free Kevin Mitnick or else...

hacked by LithiumError/ChiKo Torremendez
1/18/98 ---> About 15 Indonesian domains were hacked at the same time. This is a part of an anti-Suharto (ex President) Campaign. This page was up on the Indonesian National Police (military) HQ. The rest of the domains that were hacked are listed in the hacked page. Read the texts! Excellent Job!!

Intl. Church of Christ
hacked by ???
1/18/98 ---> "Eternal life in exchange for all your money, yeah, sure we promise!"

hacked by No|d Crew
1/21/98 ---> Nice statement! Couldn't agree more.

hacked by Trix&Vertex
2/19/98 ---> Saatchi&Saatchi gives out an award for communication innovations. This hack is the first I know of that is done with shockwave.

One Live Crew
hacked by ???
2/22/98 ---> Some parents who got fed up with the music their kids are listening to?

A Turkish University
hacked by Gr Power
3/5/98 ---> A turkish university hacked in protest of the Turkish presence on Cyprus. More info to come on this one.

hacked by 74074
3/6/98 ---> For you who didn't know, NAMBLA stands for "North American Man/Boy Love Association".

US Army
hacked by No|d Crew
3/8/98 ---> Three different United States Army servers were hacked. http://bliss.www.army.mil, http://www.essd.army.mil and http://www.7sigbde.army.mil. Speaks for itself...

US Navy
hacked by No|d Crew
3/9/98 ---> The Naval Space Command at http://www.navspace.navy.mil/ was hacked. If you have heard about the so called "Pentagon hackers", you should really read this and learn a thing or two about media.

Korean Heritage College
hacked by RaPtoR 666
4/14/98 ---> The Korean Heritage College of North America was hacked! The link on the page won't take you very far...

hacked by H4CK1NG F0R G1RL13Z
8/21/98 ---> Motorola was hacked twice the same day. One was at the semiconductor division at http://sps.motorola.com/ and the other the frontpage of Motorola's Japanese domain: http://www.mot.co.jp Both hacks more or less looked the same.

Arsenal F.C.
hacked by Cumbrian Hackers Alliance
8/30/98 ---> Arsenal Football Club's official homepage was hacked in protest of Carlisle United's manager Michael Knighton (aliens huh?!). Was hacked twice in 24 hrs.

New York Times
hacked by H4CK1NG F0R G1RL13Z
9/12/98 ---> Some really nice hacks coming from this group. Thumbs up! New York Times...well I'll leave it with that.

id Software
hacked by rd
9/24/98 ---> id Software's domain quake3.com was hacked. The page was changed several times, but was not up for very long. Alteration is at the bottom of the page. Thanx Kolby!

hacked by ax
11/7/98 ---> SCO (Santa Cruz Corporation) had several servers hacked in different countries. SCO's Mexican site at http://www.sco.com.mx and SCO's South African site at http://www.sco.co.za/ are two of them. SCO sells server sollutions... Good for them.

Jack Daniels
hacked by FLUXX
12/14/98 ---> Jack Daniels... Password: heavymetal1980 ?

Calgary Publ. Library
hacked by the leprechaun
1/25/99 ---> Kind of odd target for an Irish freedom fighter, but there's nothing wrong with the spirit! Thx Grampa-E!

hacked by ???
1/27/99 ---> Personally I feel that Greenpeace do a pretty damn good job. Doesn't Greenpeace have pretty much the same message as the hack?

Front National
hacked by RaPtoR 666
1/28/99 ---> The French faschist party "Front National" has been hacked. Extremely well done!!
The original hack is in French. An English translation can be found here. Thanx for the translation GrandMeister!

200 Cigarettes
hacked by MagicFX
2/20/99 ---> Some Hollywood movie at http://www.200cigarettes.com

Dominos Pizza
hacked by Cyrus
2/28/99 ---> Dominos pizza was hacked with four toppings and extra cheese.

hacked by Magic FX
3/5/99 ---> MonicaLewinsky.com was appropriately hacked right after she (that woman, Ms. Lewinsky) had told an entire nation that the President's wife couldn't do it for him.

hacked by ???
3/5/99 ---> More Monica Lewinsky related material

Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs
hacked by Kalamata Hacking
3/23/99 ---> Hack in support of PKK (Kurdish) leader Öcalan (freedomfighter/terrorist?) who Greek authorities turned over to the Turkish. The Turkish government is seeking to sentence him to death. Sure showed who came out as the stronger government in the battle between Greece and Turkey... Bad move by the Greek government, concidering the somewhat non-existing Turkish human rights standards.

Hot Bot
hacked by ???
3/25/99 --> HotBot, one of the "big 5" searchengines, was hacked. Things that make you go hmmm...

Playboy, Sprint, Yellowpages.ca, Sony Music
hacked by ???
4/4/99 ---> Multiple famous domains were hacked and replaced with this site. In addition to the ones listed to the left were: www.barbra-streisand.com, www.oreilly.com, www.umd.edu, www.hornyrob.com, sun.ca and several others.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Rasputin's last letter

Believe it or not. This was Rasputin's last letter.

I write and leave behind me this letter at St. Petersburg. I feel that I shall leave life before January 1st. I wish to make known to the Russian people, to Papa, to the Russian Mother and to the children, to the land of Russia, what they must understand. If I am killed by  common assassins, and especially  by  my brothers the  Russian  peasants,  you, Tsar  of Russia, have  nothing to fear, remain on your throne and govern, and  you,  Russian Tsar, will have nothing to fear for your children, they will reign for hundreds of years in Russia. But  if I am  murdered by boyars, nobles, and if they shed my blood, their hands will remain  soiled with  my  blood, for twenty-five  years  they  will  not  wash  their  hands  from my blood. They will leave Russia.  Brothers  will kill brothers,  and  they  will kill each  other and hate each other, and for twenty-five years there will be no noblers in the country. Tsar of  the land of Russia, if you hear the sound of the bell which will tell you that Grigory  has been killed, you must know this: if it was your relations who have  wrought my  death then no one of your family, that is to say, none of your children or relations will remain  alive  for  more  than two  years.  They will  be killed by the Russian people...I shall be killed. I am no longer among the living.  Pray,  pray,  be strong,  think of  your  blessed family.
Words written by Grigory Rasputin in a letter to the Tsarina Alexandra, 7 Dec 1916
23 days later, Rasputin was killed, by two relatives of the Tsar Nicholas II
19 months after Rasputin's death, the Tsar and his family lay dead

More story about Rasputin

Here's more story about Rasputin. Read up, and let me know what you think.

Grigory Yefimovich Rasputin was born in Tobolsk, far away from the Imperial Capital of St. Petersburg, in 1871. In the years he remained within the Imperial court, witnesses, including doctors, concluded he possessed some extraordinary healing power over the Tsarevich and his deadly illness, hemophilia. Rasputin's mysterious ability to heal Alexei convinced the Tsarina Aleksandra that Rasputin must have been sent by God himself. In her mind he was he the answer to her prayers for God to save her son. His influence over the Imperial government has been debated for decades. Rasputin's rise to political influence was due to his close relationship with the Tsarina. During World War I, with the Tsar at the front, the Tsarina was in command of the Imperial government. With Alexandra, a German born Princess, in control of the Russian government at a time when Russia was at war with Germany, the Russian people held a horrible hatred towards her. There is no doubt among historians that Rasputin gave his advice on government affairs freely to the Tsarina. But Rasputin's power was more illusion than reality. Any and all ministry recommendations he may have gave to the Tsarina were ultimely approved of and backed by Nicholas, who more or less accepted the Tsarina's decisions even against his own wishes. Rasputin, in the end, for the Russian people, became a scapegoat of a failed empire.
Rasputin's original rise to the Imperial court began as Russia attempted to establish a constitutional monarchy. Nicholas had appointed a new Prime Minister, Peter Stolypin after the October Manifesto. Stolypin was Russia's last hope at intelligent government. His tenure saw major advances in industry and argriculture. Russia, under Stolypin, prospered. However, to the Tsarina, Stolypin was evil. Her hatred for this man who had done so much to preserve Nicholas' throne, was rooted in that Stolypin had had the courage to take on Rasputin. Stolypin repeatedly told the Tsar that he needed to distance himself and his family from Rasputin. At one point, Stolypin brought to the Tsar documented proof of Rasputin's wild antics. Alas, the Tsar ignored Stolypin, not wanting to take away from Alexandra the one man she believed could save her sons life. Alexandra's deep hate for Stolypin ended on September 5, 1911, when a revolutionary, not happy that Stolypin's industrial efforts had thwarted revolution, assassinated him at the Kiev Opera House, right in front of the Tsar.
Any number of highly respected men in the Russian Orthodox Church fell for Rasputin soon after his appearance at the Imperial court. A holy man he called himself, which in itself was a fallacy, for Rasputin was neither a monk nor a priest. He was, in fact, a starets, an unordained, wandering holy man. Eventually, these supporters turned on him and attempted to send him away from St. Peterburg. But Rasputin knew how to deal with enemies in the church. If a monk, or even a Bishop, opposed him, they might find themself suddenly sent to a remote assignment. Rumors swirled that Rasputin had seduced the Empress, the Grand Duchesses, and Anna Vyrubova, a close friend of the Tsarina whom Rasputin had miraculousy raised from a coma following a terrible train accident. These rumors, which reached the highest circles of society where they were immediately repeated by Aleksandra's foes, drove Nicolas to near insanity. The remoteness and isolation of the Imperial Family at the Alexander Palace in Tsarskoe Selo allowed for the people to believe any rumor. People began to believe Rasputin had hypnotic control over the Tsar and the Tsarina.
In 1911, only a few months before his assassination, Stolypin made yet another attempt to convince the Tsar of Rasputin's evil activities. The Tsar read his report, and said nothing. Stolypin decided to take action. He ordered Rasputin to leave St. Petersburg, outraging the Tsarina. Rasputin though, left St. Petersburg, beginning a journey to the Holy Land of Jerusalem. But this self imposed banishment from St. Petersburg was short lived.
For in October of 1912, while the Tsar and his family were at their hunting lodge in Spala, Alexei fell on the side of a bathtub. Bruising and bleeding, Alexei was in terrible pain. The doctors could do nothing for him, and Alexandra spent ten days without sleep at his bedside. A notice was drawn up announcing the death of the heir. Desperate, the Tsarina telegramed Rasputin. "God has seen your tears," Rasputin wired back. "Do not grieve. The Little One will not die." Within hours of receiving this telegram, the bleeding had subsided and Alexei began to recover. This incident regained Rasputin to full favor within the Imperial family.
In the spring of 1915, at the urging of Alexandra (and Rasputin), the Tsar took total command of the Russian army fighting in World War I, from his relative, the Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaievich. Nicholas did this despite protests from within the Imperial government. This, while it boosted morale at first, eventually helped lead to the downfall of the Romanovs, for it was at this time, when Alexandra let Raputin's advice lead Russia towards revolution.
Finally, by late 1916, Vladimir Purishkevich, a member of the Duma, denounced Rasputin before his colleagues. It soon became apparent Purishkevich belonged to a aristocratic plot to murder Rasputin. In December, a group of aristocrats, including the Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich (a cousin of Nicholas), decided that Rasputin's influence on the Imperial government had grown too great and that he had to be killed in order to save the monarchy, and Russia. They lured him to the Yussupov Palace on the impression that Prince Felix Yussupov (another relative of the Tsar) would introduce Rasputin to his beautiful wife.
The prince's group had prepared chocolate cakes and wine, both heavily laced with potassium cyanide. Rasputin reluctantly ate a few cakes, then complained of a dry throat and guzzled d o wn the wine-at this point he had taken enough cyanide to kill six men. Rasputin said he felt a burning sensation in his stomach and appeared sleepy for a few moments, then suddenly became alert and asked the prince to sing for him. The nervous Yussupov co m plied, then ran upstairs to inform his co-conspirators that the poison had no effect. He got a pistol from them, then went back to the waiting Rasputin, was looking at an art object, either a painting or a crucifix. The prince asker Rasputin to take a clo s er look, then shot him in the chest. Sure that Rasputin was dead, Yussupov got his friends, who checked the body. Soon after, Yussupov came back down. (Note: Despite what early stories say, Yussupov was probably not throwing up over the balcony while his f riends were looking at the body.) As he bent over to look at Rasputin, the formerly lifeless corpse rose and grabbed Yussupov in an unbreakable grip. Yussupov freed himself, perhaps by knifing Rasputin, and ran out the door. According to diaries, Rasputin actually got up and ran out the door, where he was chased and shot. The body was taken back inside, beaten, tied up and thrown in the Neva river. When Rasputin's body was found the next day, his ties were broken and his lungs were filled with water, showing that he didn't actually die until he was submerged in the frozen waters.
Rasputin was dead, but, it was too late, for the monarchy was dead as well.

Monday, July 19, 2004

A more story of LIFE FACTS...

Looks like some of you like my research about Bathory. That's from real life, past history. Now how about a bit more taste of real life story... Ever heard about Rasputin? Probably from the Boney M. song. Well, it's correct. But you don't know who he is right? now let me tell you.

Grigory Rasputin was born in 1869 in Siberia, arrived in St. Petersburg in 1911 and within a few years had become one of the most influential men in government circles. His ability to remain in such a high position despite widely publicized bouts of drinking and womanizing is no doubt the source of tremendous envy among political figures around the world today.

Rasputin's rise to preeminence was due to his close relationship with Nicholas II's wife, Alexandra. The heir to the throne, Alexis, suffered from hemophaelia, and only Rasputin could do what the top medical professors could not: he could stop the boy's bleeding. Because of this, Alexandra believed he was a holy man sent to protect Alexis and she kept him close by at all times, despite the fact that he rarely bathed.

Grigory Rasputin is as famous for his death as he is for his life. At the end of 1916, a group of aristocrats in cahoots with the Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich (a cousin of Nicholas II) decided that Rasputin's influence had grown too great and that he had to be killed in order to save Russia. They lured him to the Yusupovsky Palace on the pretext that Prince Felix Yusupovsky would introduce Grigory Rasputin to his beautiful wife.

Rasputin was led to the cellar and fed poisoned cakes and wine, but these did affect him. Yusupovsky then shot the monk at point blank range and Rasputin collapsed on the floor. When Yusupov went to tell his fellow conspirators the good news, they sent him back to make sure he had done the job. On returning to inspect the body, Grigory Rasputin suddenly regained consciousness and started to throttle poor Yusupov, who needless to say was completely scared out of his wits. The Prince fled the cellar, screaming for help; when they returned Rasputin was gone. They found him in the yard crawling towards the gate and proceeded to shoot and bludgeon him. They then bound him and tossed him into the river. When Rasputin's body was found, his bonds were broken and his lungs were filled with water, showing that he didn't actually die until he was submerged in the frozen waters.

Before his death, Grigory Rasputin wrote a letter to Tsarina Alexandra:
"I write and leave behind me this letter at St. Petersburg. I feel that I shall leave life before January 1st. I wish to make known to the Russian people, to Papa, to the Russian Mother and to the children, to the land of Russia, what they must understand. If I am killed by common assassins, and especially by my brothers the Russian peasants, you, Tsar of Russia, have nothing to fear, remain on your throne and govern, and you, Russian Tsar, will have nothing to fear for your children, they will reign for hundreds of years in Russia. But if I am murdered by boyars, nobles, and if they shed my blood, their hands will remain soiled with my blood, for twenty-five years they will not wash their hands from my blood. They will leave Russia. Brothers will kill brothers, and they will kill each other and hate each other, and for twenty-five years there will be no noblers in the country. Tsar of the land of Russia, if you hear the sound of the bell which will tell you that Grigory has been killed, you must know this: if it was your relations who have wrought my death then no one of your family, that is to say, none of your children or relations will remain alive for more than two years. They will be killed by the Russian people...I shall be killed. I am no longer among the living. Pray, pray, be strong, think of your blessed family."

23 days later, Rasputin was killed, by two relatives of the Tsar Nicholas II

19 months after Rasputin's death, the Russian Tsar and his family were executed.

I'll tell you a more detail story about this guy. His life is interesting to know. I'm sure about it. Soon... Coming soon... Life story of Rasputin.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Some to read...

10 Most Stupid Questions

1. At the movies: When you meet acquaintances/friends...
Stupid Question:- Hey, what are you doing here?
Answer:- Don't u know, I sell tickets in black over here..

2. In the bus: A heavy lady wearing pointed high heeled shoes steps on your feet...
Stupid Question:- Sorry, did that hurt?
Answer:- No, not at all, I'm on local anesthesia..... why don't you try again.

3. At a funeral: One of the teary eyed people ask...
Stupid Question:- Why, why him, of all people.
Answer:- Why? Would it rather have been you?

4. At a restaurant: When you ask the waiter
Stupid Question:- Is the "Paneer Butter Masala" dish good??
Answer:- No, its terrible and made of adulterated cement. We occasionally also spit in it.

5. At a family get-together: When some distant aunt meets you afteryears...
Stupid Question:- Munna,Chickoo, you've become so big.
Answer:- Well you haven't particularly shrunk yourself.

6. When a friend announces her wedding, and you ask...
Stupid Question:- Is the guy you're marrying good?
Answer:- No, he's a miserable wife beating,insensitive lout...it's just the money

7. When you get woken up at midnight by a phone call...
Stupid Question:- Sorry. were you sleeping?
Answer:- No. I was doing research on whether the Zulu tribes in africa marry or not. And you thought I was sleeping.... you dumb witted moron.

8. When you see a friend/colleague with evidently shorter hair...
Stupid Question:- Hey have you had a haircut?
Answer:- No, its autumn and I'm shedding......

9. At the dentist when he's sticking pointed objects in your mouth...
Stupid Question:- Tell me if it hurts?
Answer:- No it wont. It will just bleed.

10. You are smoking a cigarette and a cute woman asks...
Stupid Question:- Oh, so you smoke.
Answer:- Gosh, it's a miracle ............it was a piece of chalk and now it's in flames!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

As you requested...

Looking for advice on how to learn the guts and bowels of a system or network, get inside it, and become a real expert? Maybe I can help there. How you use this knowledge is up to you. I hope you'll use it to contribute to computer science and hacking (in its good sense), not to become a cracker or vandal.

This little essay is basically the answers to all the emails I get asking how to become a hacker. It's not a tutorial in and of itself. It's certainly not a guaranteed success. Just give it a try and see what happens. That said, here's where to start:

Be curious
Take things apart. Look under the hood. Dig through your system directories and see what's in there. View the files with hex editors. Look inside your computer. Wander around computer stores and look at what's there.

Read everything in sight
If you can afford it, buy lots of books. If you can't, spend time in libraries and online. Borrow books from friends. Go through tutorials. Read the help files on your system. If you're using Unix/Linux, read the man files. Check out the local college bookstores and libraries. And as you're reading, try things.

Don't be afraid to change things, just to see what'll happen. Do this long enough, of course, and you'll wipe out your system, but that's part of becoming a hacker. Try command options and switches you've never tried before. Look for option menus on programs and see what they can do. In Windows, tweak your registry and see what happens. Change settings in .INI files. In Unix, dig around in the directories where you don't normally go.

Make backups
If you start mucking around with system files, registries, password files, and such, you will eventually destroy your system. Have a backup ready. If you can afford it, have a system you use just for experimenting, ready to reload on a moment's notice, and do your serious work on a different computer.

Get some real tools
You can't cut a board in half with a screwdriver. Well, maybe you can, but it'll take a long time. Dig around and find the proper tools for the operating systems you're using. They're out there on the Web. You can get some pretty good stuff as shareware or freeware (especially on Linux). The serious power tools often cost serious money. What kinds of tools? Hex file editors. Snoopers that analyze system messages and network traffic. Compilers and APIs for programming. Scripting tools. Disk editors/formatters. Disassemblers. When you get good, write some of your own.

Learn to program
If you want to be a hacker, you're going to have to learn to program. The easiest way to start depends on the operating system you're using. The choice of language is very individual. It's almost a religious thing. Suggest a programming language to a beginner, and someone will disagree. Heck, you'll probably get flamed for it in a newsgroup. In Unix, I'd suggest getting started with Perl. In Windows, you can get started quickly using a visual development environment like Visual Basic or Java. No matter what the system, if you want to get serious, you'll eventually need to learn C (or C++ or C# or some other variant). Real hackers know more than one programming language, anyway, because no one language is right for every task.

Learn to type
Hackers spend a lot of time at their keyboards. I type 90+ wpm (according to the Mavis Beacon typing tutor). HackingWiz (of hackers.com and Hacker's Haven BBS fame) says he can type 140+ wpm. The typing tutor may be boring, but it pays off.

Use real operating systems
Windows 95/98/Me is a shell on top of a 32-bit patch to a 16-bit DOS. Get some real operating systems (Linux, Windows NT, Mac OS, OS/2...) and learn them. You can't call yourself a linguist if you only know one language, and you certainly can't call yourself a hacker if you only know one OS. Linux is a hacker's dream. All the source code is freely available. Play with it, analyze it, learn it. Eventually, perhaps you can make a contribution to Linux yourself. Who knows, you might even have a chance to write your own OS.

Talk to people
It's hard to learn in a vacuum. Take classes. Join users groups or computer clubs. Talk to people on IRC or newsgroups or Web boards until you find people to learn with. That can take a while. Every third message on newsgroups like alt.hack* is "teach me to hack." Sigh. The best way to be accepted in any group is to contribute something. Share what you learn, and others will share with you.

Do some projects
It's important to pick some projects and work until you've finished them. Learning comes from doing, and you must follow the project through start to finish to really understand it. Start really simple. Make an icon. Customize your system (the startup screen on Win95, or the prompt on Unix). Make a script that performs some common operation. Write a program that manipulates a file (try encrypting something).

Learn to really use the Internet
Start with the Web. Read the help for the search engines. Learn how to use Boolean searches. Build up an awesome set of bookmarks. Then move on to other Internet resources. Get on Usenet. Find some underground BBSs. Get on IRC. You'll find useful information in the strangest places. Get to the point where you can answer your own questions. It's a whole lot faster than plastering them all over various newsgroups and waiting for a serious answer.

Once you've gone through these steps, go out and contribute something. The Internet was built by hackers. Linux was built by hackers. Usenet was built by hackers. Sendmail was built by hackers. Be one of the hackers that builds something.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Harmless animal or ...

I'll tell you more about animal this time. Think about some animal or creature that you think harmless. A lot right? Well probably some animals in your mind are not like what you think. They can be harmful. Well let's see here.

Venomous animals use a toxin or poison to kill prey or to defend themselves. They deliver the toxin with specialized organs, like stingers, fangs, hollow fangs, a proboscis, or tentacles.

Venomous animals are different from poisonous animals. Poisonous animals (like toads) have a toxin but have no method of delivery; when another animal eats the poisonous animal, the predator may become ill or even die.

Some venom (neurotoxin) attacks the nervous system, causing pain, paralysis, and eventually death by heart or lung failure; cobras, stonefish, black widow spiders, and scorpions use neurotoxins. Other venom (hemotoxin) attacks the circulatory system, causing pain, swelling, and changes in the blood; rattlesnakes, vipers and some spiders use hemotoxins.

Some of the most venomous animals (the ones with the most potent venom) include the yellow-lipped sea krait (a sea snake), box jellyfish, sea wasp jellyfish, blue-ringed octopus, reef stonefish, the inland taipan, and cone shells. Other venomous animals, like Russell's viper (Vipera russelii) kill more people because they are more aggressive and live near people.

Only a few mammals are venomous, including the duckbilled platypus (only males), several species of shrews, and the Solenodon (a small insectivore).

Some of the animals are:
- Ants: Ants are social insects. Some ants ants may either bite or sting.
- Assassin Bugs: Assassin bugs are a type of predatory insect.
- Bee: Bees are flying, social insects that live in a hive.
- Black Widow Spider: A very venomous spider with a distinctive red hourglass marking.
- Blue Ring Octopus: A small but very venomous octopus from warm reefs in Australia and nearby regions.
- Centipide: Fast-moving venomous predators with many legs.
- Coral: Coral is a tiny marine animal that often lives in colonies. Huge colonies of hard corals form coral reefs.
- Cuttlefish: Cuttlefish are cephalopods with relatively short legs, a fin along the entire mantle, and an internal cuttlebone.
- Duck-Billed Platypus: The Duck-billed Platypus is a primitive mammal from Australia; males have a venomous spike on the leg.
- Gila Monster: A venomous lizard from deserts of southwestern North America.
- Jellyfish: Jellyfish are animals that have stinging tentacles.
- The King Cobra: The King Cobra is the largest venomous snake in the world. It lives in India, southern China, and southeast Asia.
- Komodo Dragon: The biggest lizard in the world and a fierce predator that poisons its prey with its bite.
- Man of War: The Portuguese man-of-war is a floating colony of animals that has very long, stinging tentacles. It lives in warm ocean waters.
- Octopus: Octopi have eight arms and live on the sea floor.
- Rattlesnake: Rattlesnakes are venomous snakes that have a rattle at the end of the tail.
- Sea Anemone: A predatory animal that looks like a flower and lives on the ocean floor.
- Scorpion: A venomous arachnid with a large stinger on its tail. Found worldwide except in Antarctica.
- Sea Urchin: A spiny, globular animal that lives on the ocean floor. Some sea urchins have venomous spines.
- Stingray: Stingrays are flat fish with a stinger, and no bones (only cartilage).
- Tarantula: A tarantula is a large, hairy spider.
- Wasp: Wasps are insects with 2 pairs of wings and strong jaws. Many wasps are venomous.
- Yellow Jacket: A yellow jacket is a type of social wasp, a flying, stinging insect.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Things to do before reaching the age of 30

You should start to look back through your life. See what have you did, achieved, etc. And think about it. You only live once. Don't waste it just because of some stupid reason like you want to impress your girlfriend or boyfriend, parents, friends, teachers, etc. This is the chance for you!!! What's your age? Still teenage right? So go and have fun, follow what your heart says. This is the age of having fun. Later if you already reach the age of serious life, you can only regret that you haven't did a lot of cool and exciting things. Here are some of the things that maybe able to make you think again about what you want to do.

- Drive a wickedly cool car, even if you have to rent it. "Wickedly cool" is defined as any car that turns heads on the streets. They say life is a journey and you should enjoy the ride. Well, if that's the case, you might as well ride in style at least once.

- Date against type. Better yet, date somebody "dangerous." Waking up tied to a bed with a person who has more tattoos than brains will give you stories to regale other members of the old-age home in your dotage. Also, dating "dangerous" types will make you realize what jerks they are. And make you less likely to pass up a lifelong love affair with someone you're really compatible with. Or if you already tend to date dangerous, then date someone your mother would like. What the heck, she might be right.

- See the world. It's much easier to do when you're 22 and footloose than 35 with two bawling babies in your backpack. Go cheap and travel light. This leaves you open to more adventures. Youth hostels are inexpensive and, even better, you'll meet tons of other adventurers there.

Seeing the world will broaden your horizons and make you a more interesting person. Plus interesting and funny things happen when you travel and remember, your 20s are your time to live the stories that you'll be telling for the rest of your life.

- Live in a cool place. Maybe a loft in a trendy neighborhood "in transition," maybe just camped out on the beach in your van.

- If you're going to drink a lot, do it when you're young. Getting sick on cheap white wine after 30 is pretty pathetic. Young drunks sometimes get away with being "cute," though you may still have a lot of apologizing to do. Get this experimentation out of your system and you'll appreciate finer spirits when you get older.

- Take risks with your job. I've noticed that most people end up changing direction in their careers after their 20s anyway, so, take the time to figure out what you want to do. There will be time enough to be a cubicle drone later.

Aim for the career you've dreamed of doing. If you have a chance to be a model or a dancer, go for it. Get the job in the big city. Volunteer to work on the big project that could make or break the company. Start up a smoothie business with your college buddy.

Or just have fun for now. You might want to be a bartender at the hottest club in town and pick up a lot of dates. Or take a low-paying job at the zoo just because you like animals. Later, when you've got the mortgage and 2.3 kids and a time share in Cocoa Beach, fun will be the last thing on your mind at the office.

- Do something physically adventurous. And do it OUTSIDE! No one will ever be remembered for playing Nintendo or watching every single episode of "Friends." Enjoy your body while you're young, push it to its limits, soon enough, you'll watch your muscles turn to flab and your rear end inflate like a rubber raft.

- Take your parents to dinner. You'll probably have to struggle with your dad about paying the check, but this is one of those grown up things to do. It gives you a chance to show your parents that you are an equal and that you are responsible. It's also a chance to show your appreciation for all those dinners they bought over the years.

- Do volunteer work. You may be broke, but you can give your sweat and earnestness to a cause in which you believe. In addition to improving your world, you can allow yourself to be exposed to others in the world. Work in a soup kitchen and you'll appreciate your un air conditioned, one bedroom apartment.

- Use this decade to go to extremes. Climb the tallest mountain you can find. Picnic at midnight. Learn to sail. Talk to strangers. Road trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. Take a midnight drive to the beach then stick around for dawn.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

What you think good, is actually...

Do you like to drink soda? I bet you drink Coca-cola the most. At least once a week. Right? Well I used to drink it too. But stop to drink soda and cafeinne since a year ago or more. My reason is because it's not good for health. But I don't exactly can tell the reasons. Recently I found these on Internet. Well they are different from my reason. But at least these reasons shows how bad the soda can be. (No offence Coca-cola, Sprite, 7-up, Mountain Dew, etc.)

- To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coke into the toilet. Let it sit for one hour, then flush clean.

- To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a crumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coke.

- To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of Coke over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.

- To loosen a rusted bolt: Applying a cloth soaked in Coke to the rusted bolt for several minutes.

- To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coke into the baking pan; wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before the ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.

- To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of Coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coke will help loosen grease stains.

- It will also clean road haze from your windshield!

- In many states the highway patrol carries two gallons of Coke in the truck to remove blood from the highway after a car accident.

Now these just scare the hell out of me:

- There was a competition in Delhi University: "Who can drink the most Coke?". The winner drank 8 bottles and died on the spot because he had too much carbon dioxide in the blood and not enough oxygen.

- If you put a broken tooth in a bottle of Pepsi, in 10 days it will fully dissolve!